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Writer's pictureAmanda Zwanziger

New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day

Happy New Year! I hope! Right?!?!?

I think the world can agree on one thing, we have high expectations for 2022. After the past two years, it’s time that we see some big positive changes. Not just changes in the world itself, but in our lives too. No doubt, we have been experiencing unprecedented times of frustration, anxiety, hopelessness, fatigue…the list goes on and on. I think most would agree that a year of transformation would be good, for all of us.

But this desire for transformation is not a new mindset. Every year, people wake up on New Years Day and think about the transformation that they would like to make in their lives for the coming year. This seemingly fresh start, defined by a day on the calendar, suddenly becomes a day of hope and belief in a better future.

On New Year’s Day, people have high hopes for transformation. They might decide that this is the year that they are going to read more, work less, celebrate more, and worry less. They might decide that this is the year they are going to make more time for someone else…or for themselves. People choose to quit jobs, quit their devices, or quit relationships. Some make big plans to chase dreams or chase a finish line. And let’s not forget, the infamous goal of losing weight.

What follows after is a valiant effort to achieve these goals. Books are bought. Phones are turned off. Success coaches are hired. Races are entered. And gyms are packed.

For a couple of weeks anyway.

And then, for so many, life gets in the way and the transformation is disrupted. Good intentions squashed. Goals put on the back burner for a later date.

Am a speaking to ya? I know I personally resonate with this so deeply!

So, what’s the deal? Why is it that the majority of Americans that establish these resolutions, can’t keep ‘em?

Here’s my theory. Decisions for life transformation can’t just happen one time a year. Life transformation needs to happen every day. Our focus needs to shift from transformation on New Years Day to transformation each New Day.

When goals aren’t achieved, it’s typically not because we don’t have the skills to achieve it, the mind to think it, or the will to do it. It’s because we carry weight in our lives that gets in the way. And I’m not talking about the weight we carry around in our middles. Or thighs. Or wherever you carry it. I’m talking about the weight of life’s heavy burdens that consume us, steal our energy, and rob us of our time.

This about it like this. A very heavy person might make the decision to run a marathon. And they certainly have the potential to accomplish that goal. But if they don’t do anything to lose weight to achieve that goal, their chance of success is slim to none. It becomes physically impossible.

The same goes for our life goals. We can decide to make some big changes in our lives. But if don’t do anything about removing the heavy weight of burdens we’ve been carrying around for too long, our chances of success are slim to none. It becomes psychologically impossible.

How can one chase a big dream if they have fears of taking big risks because of a past failure? How can one focus on removing unhealthy distractions from their lives when those distractions are the only way they feel removed from their constant feelings of anxiety? How can one train for that big race when they are a codependent responsible for anything and everyone around them?

How can you achieve X, if Y is in the way of getting that done?

And how can you remove Y from your life, if you aren’t working on it with each New Day that you are given?

The bottom line of it all, we can absolutely accomplish anything that we put our mind to. But if our minds are consumed with other hard and heavy life things, then we simply don’t have enough space to see the goal through.

Transformation can’t happen one day a year, it needs to happen every day. I believe if we wake up every day and spend time…in prayer, in meditation, in focus…to not only see what we need to do to accomplish our goal but also to figure out how we can eliminate those heavy weights in life that are holding us back, then incredible transformation in life can happen. Big dreams. Big changes. Big purposes. They can all happen.

So, as we settle upon this New Year of 2022, I hope you join me in changing New Years Day resolutions into New Day transformations. I can’t wait to hear what happens.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

If you need help chasing a goal or making big changes in your life, email me at and we can set up a complimentary coaching call.

If you feel paralyzed from pursuing the dreams in your life or by heavy weights in your life, you can pick up a copy of The Paralyzed Movement to help you navigate the way at

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